International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP)

International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP)

The International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP) is intended for doctoral students and young researchers. Its purpose is to foster the development of an active scientific community that can address global concerns within the realm of natural products. The learning, networking, and cross-collaborations that will be the emphasis of the themes will be multidisciplinary and intersectoral respectively. Natural Products chemistry, biology, ecology, pharmacology, and more will be covered by Federico II University professors. An experience that is both engaging and demanding will be provided via a mix of lectures, seminars, and interactive sessions. Participants’ readiness for future research investigations will be enhanced through team-based problem-solving exercises. 

ISSNP is highly recommended for its memorable and extensive international experience that is a must for any researcher who would like to achieve success in their careers. The platform provides young researchers to able to form network with like-minded colleagues throughout school activities.

This year, the 5th edition of International Summer School on Natural Products (ISSNP) from 2nd to 7th July, happening in Maratea, Italy, ( ) is happy to announce the 2° Edition of the biannual “Biagio Alberto Della Beffa” award, which is being presented in cooperation with Indena ( ). Up to three competitors in the ISSNP will each be granted a cash reward of 5,000 Euros and a fellowship to receive training at the offices of INDENA in Milan for a period of six months. Young Natural Product Chemistry scientists will benefit from the award. Oral communication, poster, and teamwork winners will receive additional awards and all these prizes will be presented during school. 

The Summer School is open to PhD students and young researchers from all Aurora partners.

Take your chance- let’s enroll: