Aurora Workshop on Vulnerability

Aurora Workshop on Vulnerability

30th of May, 9.00-18.00

Venue: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Complesso ScampiaPharmaTech Academy – Via Valerio Verbano, 80145 Napoli NA, Italy.

Vulnerability arises from various aspects of frailty that humans can experience, such as physical, emotional, social, economic, or environmental factors. Conflicts, migrations, climate change, demographic shifts towards aging, mental health issues, inflammatory processes, the obesity epidemic, cancer, emerging pandemics, and other chronic diseases on a global scale represent some of the significant challenges faced in life. These challenges disproportionately affect vulnerable groups, including children, women, individuals with disabilities, African descendants, people living in extreme poverty, older adults, individuals belonging to national, ethnic, and religious minorities, refugees, asylum-seekers, displaced populations, LGBTQI+ people, and those exposed to emergency contexts.

Therefore, the United Nations calls for global efforts to develop a comprehensive understanding of vulnerability, as encompassed within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The European Universities Alliance Aurora is dedicated to fostering collaborative learning initiatives across borders to tackle this societal challenge. As part of this dedication, the working group of Aurora’s Hub Health & Well-being is pleased to announce its upcoming Workshop on Vulnerability.

The workshop aims to facilitate an in-depth discussion on vulnerability approaches. It will take place at the University Federico II of Naples (Italy) on May 30th, 2024, as a satellite event to the Biannual Aurora Conference. This workshop welcomes students, researchers, scholars, and practitioners from all Aurora member universities who are working on vulnerability and are interested in the pedagogy of vulnerability and its relevance to diversity teaching and the humanizing of higher education.

The workshop’s invited keynote lectures will predominantly delve into pivotal topics such as global health and vulnerability, environmental risk factors, and health trajectories. In the afternoon, a sequence of roundtable discussions will center on the pedagogy of vulnerability, encompassing diverse subjects like mental health and teaching, equality, diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias.

We warmly welcome suggestions for speakers from our partner institutions and encourage AURORA’s community members to attend this meeting and participate in the roundtable discussions.

Online registration is mandatory, by clicking this link:


Organization committee: Lina Lina Penagos (UPEC), Genevieve Derumeaux (UPEC), Pasquale Maffia (UNINA), Bruno Catalanotti (UNINA), Barbara Buchenau (UDE), Andrea Gaucher (UPEC), Giuliana Amalfi (UNINA)

Adminstrative Support:

Anisa Dziri (UPEC), Carmen Di Giovanni (UNINA), Alessandra Guarracino (UNINA)
