Aurora European Universities


Nel novembre del 2020 nasce l’alleanza Aurora con l’obiettivo di sperimentare forme di cooperazione strutturale tra atenei di paesi diversi per offrire agli studenti un’esperienza educativa in un vero e proprio campus europeo integrato, agli accademici maggiori opportunità di collaborazione nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca, allo staff prospettive professionali internazionali. Aurora intende sviluppare strategie e azioni comuni: a favore della sostenibilità ambientale; per dare alle grandi sfide globali un ruolo centrale nell’istruzione, nella ricerca, nella relazione col territorio; favorire la diversità e l’inclusione sociale; valorizzare l’impegno e le capacità propositive degli studenti nel promuovere l’innovazione nell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento.

Network Aurora

Il progetto di European Universities nasce nell’ambito del Network Universitario Aurora, nato nel 2016 e in cui la Federico II è entrata formalmente a far parte nel 2019. La rete vuole coniugare la qualità della ricerca all’innovazione didattica e all’impatto sociale. Il principio ispiratore è che l’insegnamento, la ricerca e la capacità di incidere socialmente siano inscindibili e egualmente necessari a rispondere alle grandi sfide del presente.

Benché la gran parte degli atenei del network sia oggi coinvolta nel progetto European Universities, anch’esso denominato Aurora, la il Network è ancora attivo e persegue finalità e progetti in parte autonomi.

Alleanza Aurora

L’Alleanza è una rete universitaria selezionata e finanziata dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del programma EU+ European Universities con lo scopo di prefigurare il sistema universitario del futuro. Le European Universities sono reti transnazionali di università che condividono programmi di studio, di ricerca, di innovazione e sviluppo nonché un percorso di trasformazione strategica del sistema universitario europeo.

Aurora Reasearch & Innovation

L’Alleanza Aurora ha partecipato a un bando HorizonEurope Science with and for society (Swafs) per sviluppare azioni comuni a sostegno alla ricerca e all’innovazione inquadrata negli SDGs. Il progetto getta le basi per la condivisione delle infrastrutture e delle risorse di ricerca, per una maggiore cooperazione nell’attività di impatto sociale, per il rafforzamento delle politiche di scienza aperta, per il networking di ricercatori e gruppi di ricerca. Le azioni implementate durante il periodo del progetto mirano a creare una piattaforma di collaborazione che durerà oltre la durata del progetto e a dotare i ricercatori e gli studenti delle Università Aurora di strumenti per condurre una ricerca eccellente e un’innovazione dirompente.

Aurora at a glance

Aurora is a partnership of research-intensive European universities. We use our academic excellence to help bring about societal change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Students are at the heart of Aurora. We work together to enhance the quality of education, research, and innovation. We ensure that our graduates are social entrepreneurs, capable of tackling the most pressing societal challenges. We believe that excellent, inclusive, and societally relevant higher education shapes a sustainable future. Aurora at a glance

Aurora education at a glance

Teaching for Societal Impact. Aurora education aims to equip students with the skills needed to become social entrepreneurs and innovators, willing and able to contribute to solving the major challenges of our societies. This is crucial for a sustainable future. Academic teachers who strive to teach for societal impact are the cornerstone of this endeavour. Are you the teacher of the future? See our Aurora education at a glance

Ultime Notizie


Aurora Spring Biannual @ UNINA

Il prossimo 28 e 29 maggio la Federico II ospita il Meeting annuale in presenza di Aurora.

Aurora Universities

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a comprehensive research university, founded in 1880 and aims to contribute to a better world. A world in which justice, humanity, and responsibility for each other and for the world, are central. The VU is ambitious in scientific research and education and encourages free and open communication of ideas. Our university values academic freedom and independence.


The Universitat Rovira i Virgili

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili was created in 1991 by the Parliament of Catalonia. From the very first day, the university’s aim has been apparent: to place knowledge at the service of society to contribute to the social and economic development of the surrounding area, as it gradually transforms over time.


University of Innsbruck

University of Innsbruck Founded in 1669, Universität Innsbruck is the largest research and education institution in western Austria. Located in the heart of the Alps, Universität Innsbruck is a research university whose research activities are organised along with six main research areas, namely physics, mountain regions, cultural encounters.


University of Iceland

The University of Iceland founded in 1911, is a progressive comprehensive research university, situated in the heart of Reykjavik. Great emphasis is placed on strengthening research and educating young people, preparing them for taking an active part in society as well as making their mark on the global community. Dynamic and extensive collaboration with research institutions and industry is an important factor in the University’s operations.


Palacký University Olomouc

Palacký University Olomouc is the oldest university in Moravia and the second-oldest in the Czech Republic. It was established in 1573 as a public university led by the Jesuit order in Olomouc. Now a comprehensive research-oriented university, at first it taught only theology, is has today eight faculties: theology, arts, law, medicine and dentistry, education, science, physical culture, and health science.


Universität Duisburg-Essen

Universität Duisburg-Essen was founded in 2003, we are one of the youngest universities in Germany. Our university is like our region: dynamic, ambitious, and ever changing. In our eleven faculties and four interdisciplinary research clusters – Nano sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Urban Systems, and Transformation of Contemporary Societies – we develop ideas with a future.


Copenhagen Business School

Copenhagen Business School is one of the largest business schools in Europe and one of the 8 Danish universities CBS is Denmark’s largest educational and research institution within business administration and economics in a wide sense. The university is committed to providing business-related education programmes and continuing education for the public and, in particular, the private sector.


Université Paris-Est Créteil

Ouverte sur le monde et sur un territoire en mutation rapide, l’UPEC s’engage pleinement dans la société. Elle pense et répond aux défis de la transformation sociale et environnementale en promouvant plus de justice sociale. L’UPEC s’engage dans : la promotion des excellences à travers la formation, la recherche et l’innovation; le développement d’interactions fortes entre l’université et la société; la création d’un réseau fédérant des partenaires diversifiés aux échelles locale et internationale; la qualité des conditions de travail de ses personnels et le soutien à leurs initiatives
