Infoday on MSCA Staff Exchanges

Infoday on MSCA Staff Exchanges

It is a pleasure to invite you to our Infoday on MSCA Staff Exchanges that will take place on the 4th of November at 10 a.m.University Rovira i Virgili is organizing this exclusive virtual event with Rodrigo Gutiérrez Domínguez, Head of Sector at the European Research Executive Agency (REA).  

It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the currently open 2022 call. Please, make the maximum dissemination among interested parties. At the end of the meeting, we will brainstorm possible MSCA SE proposals and address interested AURORA participants to attend to a future workgroup session for further matchmaking and support.  

We are looking for success cases in the MSCA SE calls, if you know someone interested in sharing their experience and best practices, please, let us know ASAP. 

If researchers are interested in the event but can’t attend, they can register anyway because we will send them the video and session material.  


10.00 h – Institutional welcome by Prof. Urbano Lorenzo(Vice-Rector of Scientific Policy and Interdisciplinary Projects at Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
10.10 h – The key features of the MSCA-SE call by Dr. Rodrigo Gutiérrez (Head of Sector for Project management at European Research Executive Agency – REA)
11.00 h – Questions & Answers
11.15 h – Success Stories 

               Dr. Stefan Stieglitz at University of Duisburg-Essen (15 min)

               Dr. Paolo Grieco at University of Naples Federico II (15 min)

11.45 h – Questions & Answers
12.00 h – Closing

Moderator: Dr. Ana Estellés, MSCA SE program coordinator.


Kind regards,